This is why SurveyApp is so popular!!


Survey software provides a platform on which companies can design and manage electronic surveys. These platforms will attract the respondents, collect and analyze survey results.
Survey software provides customized questions. People can create any type of questions and share the result of their surveys .People use surveys for various reasons. Among them the common reasons are:
Market research
Business people won’t start working on a new product. Organizations use surveys to find out whether there is a demand for a product. SurveyApp is a tool to check people ideas about the product.
 Product feedback
    Using SurveyApp, organizations can able to find users concern about the products.  Surveys are a great way to find which features attract the customers. It also helps the organizations to find which updates are necessary.
Customer satisfaction
     Companies can use surveys to connect with their customers and to get their feedback. With the feedback, they can satisfy their user expectations and can design new  strategies.
Product Testing
      Before launching a new product, it’s important to find whether it has targeted a  right customer. So companies use surveys to collect and analyze data.
Pricing issues
      Setting the right price for a product isn’t easy. The price should be high enough so that the company makes a profit. At the same time, the price should be low enough to attract customers. Businesses people use surveys to find out whether their pricing is appropriate.  
Employee engagement
     Some companies use engagement surveys to find employees opinions so that, they   can know whether they are on the same page as their employees.

SysmedacTechnologies has launched a survey app which can be used for taking surveys, polls and quizzes through our mobile phones. This App can be used both in open type and closed type. In open type, anybody can log into the app and in closed type, only targeted group of people can login and respond.
SysmedacSurveyApp allows users to choose questions when they create the surveys and to answer the questions when they respond for the surveys.
Ø  New surveys can be created and managed easily.
Ø  You can analyze survey results and export it.
Ø You can respond to all the open and closed invitation surveys.
Ø Compatible with all mobile platforms including IOS, Android and tablets.
Ø Capture rich content from survey respondents
Ø Run multiple surveys simultaneously on the same device.

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